take the

cape civic


Check back often as new surveys will be posted.

Instructions for the Cape Civic Survey

Thank you for participating in our survey! Cape Civic is a virtual-first organization.
Your feedback is essential in shaping the future of Cape Civic and
its contributions to the Cape Coral community. Because this is our FIRST
survey, it will be longer than others so we get a better understanding of your
thoughts and concerns.

NOTE: Survey responses may be shared with city leaders. Your
respondent identity will NOT be shared.

Please read the following instructions carefully:

  1. Do your best to answer ALL the questions. Type NA if a question
     doesn't apply to you.
  2. One response per device is allowed. Please answer honestly and thoughtfully.
  3. For multiple-choice or checkbox questions, select the option(s) that
    reflect(s) your view.
  4. For short-answer questions, provide a brief and clear response.

We appreciate your time and effort in helping us create a
vibrant and thriving Cape Civic.

Create your own user feedback survey